May 29Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

my theory is, they think if we say “we’re a community” how could they ever be capitalist ? and sell your data ? we’re all a happy little village teehee

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I love this and think it must be true 😭

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May 30Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

the brand version of the corporate "we're a family!" lol

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May 30Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Well I don’t want to gatekeep hot tips on submarine companies in the event you should find yourself on the receiving end of an invitation aboard, so I will just say, Triton is the company to go with! 😂 I used to do PR for them, have done a dive with and worked with Patrick, and they were super safety first, and get hired for a lot of academic research and documentary filmmaking (David Attenborough, etc). So maybe this Ohio guy is just using good Midwest billionaire pragmatism in deciding to go with them. I can’t comment on why they’re going to the Titanic tho 🙃

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Wait you’re so cool! Please message me and tell me more and I’ll update the readers on Friday! Love this 😭

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May 30Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

i am fascinated by the shift to brands having "communities" instead of followers or audiences or consumers. brands are really so obsessed with it, the only goal on social media now is to get engagement and build community. but like you said, when do followers become a community? shouldn't a community have like, people who actually know each other in it? do consumers of a brand even consider themselves to be in community with other fans of the brand? i really want some in-depth qual research on this topic! we keep getting quant data about gen z and community, but it feels so fake insightful

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Such a good call out and I agree. I think there are many brands that are actually creating community, but many that just employ the term to portray themselves as a certain kind of brand. But even community as a strategy is such a tricky thing because it can be hard to attribute any ROI to community efforts. So yeah, some data would be nice. The idea of peope forking community around brands is also pretty scary

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May 30Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

it feels like most of the brands who have actually built a community with their fans tend to be beauty or skincare brands, which is interesting. like obviously Glossier did it, now Topicals and Rare Beauty seem to be finding success with it too. are you familiar with Ty Haney’s Try Your Best platform? i think it’s a really interesting innovation in brand communities, but it’s also way more effort than most brands are willing to put into community building. and also agree that people forming communities around brands is kind of dystopian in general!!! esp considering the “epidemic of loneliness” trends we’re seeing

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You’re spot on. And yeah I’m familiar with TYB. No like that’s why all these brands have coffee shops and all now. It’s like, are branded spaces the new third places? Weird

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May 29Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

another great post. I think one of biggest jobs AI could take over is advertising...

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Oh for sure !!

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May 29Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Whoah I had skipped right past Christies in the news 👀 interesting! Love this round up!

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Thank you :) the art world is spicey sometimes

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May 30Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Hahaha, spicey is the word!

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May 29Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

I hope someone with a tiny mic stops me on the street and asks "excuse me miss, what are you listening to?" and I can answer "romy mars's new single duh"

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Haha you’re hilarious!

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May 29Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

I've heard so much organic chat about Romy (most recently this podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/2sXSfi63xhlIUxCsfCDwrG?si=f86188f03f45478c) ... between her and North West maybe the nepo baby obsession isn't over

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You have the best podcast recs . And Carly, I didn’t think it’ll ever be over 😂

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