Sep 20Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Yess, I absoultely love snapchat.

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I know you do bb 😘

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Sep 20Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Love love the mini Volv interview at the bottom - so useful. I’ll definitely be considering that as a discoverability avenue because I also am lazy on that front. I just don’t know how AI would condense (for me) a variety of detailed book reviews into 9 secs of content? Intrigued and horrified at the prospect.

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Would love to see lmk if you ever decide to join the program !

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Sep 20Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Interesting in Volvo too, as a reader and a writer! Agreed I’m not sure how it will do but I’m definitely going to check it out

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Sep 20Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

*Volv lol

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Yeah tbh I’m curious about how it’ll condense mine as well. And if that’ll make it lose its value. But I enjoy the volv content I see now. So worth a shot

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idk i find the sally rooney arc situation to put me off of reading the book 🤷

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Wait tell me why!

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"Snapchat wants to be less like Snapchat and more like TikTok."

Doesn't everyone?

By everyone I mean social media platforms.

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No it’s true. They’re all hoping TikTok gets banned so they can become the next TikTok

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Loved this!! & thank you for the kindest shoutout xx

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Love your content and glad you made it to substack :)

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24 hrs agoLiked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

In Brazil, Snapchat was used a lot when I was a teenager (2015-2018), but now I don’t see people younger then me using them. I think this is a great way to get back the attention they lost here

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Oooo what are younger people using now?

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Also, “Are publishers deciding which authors end up on The New York Times Bestseller list even before their book launches? Should they be allowed to?” … Sit down, Ochuko. I got some bad news for you, kid.

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Thank you for the link to Clara’s Nuzzi post. It was like every word was extracted from deep within my brainstem

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I’m a big Rooneyhead (more of a BWWAY girlie rather than Normal People or CWF) and am very excited for her new book. But the Intermezzo ARC malarky has been a bit of a turn off for me, especially when folks would post about how desperate they were to get their hands on one. I dunno, I remember queuing up for the new Harry Potter releases when I was younger (showing my age, lol) and then how sad I’d feel when I finished the new book and it was all over until the next. So I’m happy to wait for Intermezzo - I want to savour it! Although, I must admit I am jealous of the lovely paperback US cover of the ARC - we all know UK book covers are fugly in comparison, and I do hate when my waiting is extended because of new releases still coming out in hardback. (Or Airport Exclusive paperbacks being unnecessarily large?!) Sometimes I wish I could be a Kindle reader and live in peace.

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I hadnt heard of Volv but your mini interview convinced me to download it. They should pay you a commission 😊.

I was also one of the kids who could never finish the mandatory school readings. Actually school put me off reading for a few years and it took me a while to realize I didn't have to like the classics and could just enjoy reading whatever genre I wanted.

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I’m a mum (with a 2 yr old) and it’s absolutely shocked me how many parents in my online parents groups ask about Snapchat for kids as young as eight years old! Most parents don’t know what it is and because all the other kids have it they allow it. There’s some pretty significant discussion here in Australia atm around “banning” social media for kids or intervening in some way. I think there at least needs to be awareness campaigns and resources for parents because it’s wild out there. And my high school teacher partner sees the ramifications everyday in the classrooms (it’s baaaad).

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