Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

I have way too many thoughts to distill down in a comment, but i'll leave you with, once again, the glossier --> rhode pipeline is happening before our eyes

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Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

also if you know the difference between lemme curb vs lemme burn get back to me

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girl zero idea

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

wait.. i remember when the kardashians were getting flamed for their appetite suppressant lollipop sponcon and flat tummy teas. it's been a few years and the primary ingredient is different, but i'm skeptical that lemme's gummies be any different from Flat Tummy Lollipops.


Lemme does feel more upmarket, and by that corollary, geared towards the already-thin or working hard to stay that way, making it harder to prove its isolated effectiveness. the engagement rate for those flat tummy posts were always pretty low but dang i guess people really did use the kardashian promo codes

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

GREAT point about the flat tummy tea nonsense of the olden days of instagram. Honestly I think it’s different now because weight loss has become trendy again, clearly at all costs because ozempic is destroying people more than that tea destroyed bowels lmao. The tea and lollipop stuff started to feel like a parody of itself when so many influencers and reality stars joined in. it became gauche, died down for a few years, and was reincarnated …and now it’s considered Real Science even tho the same fatphobia and questionable effectsbehind it are exactly the same

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laxative or amphetamine ..take your pick! 😘

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I forgot all about these! Instagram, when it was a budding platform, was really the Wild West. Like, celebrities really weren't offered brand deals like that before- "just post a photo and put a promo code in ur bio!" Before if brands were supported by a celebrity it'd be a whole, big budget commercial. I'm so glad that these posts have more regulation now, especially since celebrities often blurred the lines on whether or not something was promotional material or not. Thank God for the #ad policy.

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

the celibacy/"gen z is sex negative" conversation is so weird to me. why are some people so concerned about other people's sex lives? like sure some people have been lured into what is basically repackaged purity culture and that's a problem - but that's another conversation. it's not even representative of most of us either. plus, those arguments never take into consideration that we're having to deal with the lack of access to reproductive care so it's harder in general to have safer sex/get an abortion if needed.

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so strange. I think it's just something people have decided to make an issue when it's not? and then go ahead to speak about it in the least nuanced was possible

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

huh-- maybe an age thing? egg freezing comes up for me in every group chat with every separate pocket or group of friends. it's on everyone's mind in my world, along with weddings.

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definitely an age thing I think. im 25 and my friends are all around that age and we barely talk about kids and weddings in general. the article was talking specifically about gen z though which was the thing that confused me. i’m like please give us a few years!

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

i get that-- it is definitely more of a conversation from 28-32.

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

My reason for joining a new gym in 2024: it has childcare.

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a win win!

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Ugh I love your voice, your collections, your organization. I’m a super new subscriber and this is quickly becoming my fav newsletter in my inbox. Thank you for being a writer <333

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I wnat to be your fave newsletter :) thank you so much!

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Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

I love this newsletter!!!!! So good

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Meeee, too.

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thank you!!!

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Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Thanks for the shout-out <3

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Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Really great newsletter. Love the broad range it covered!!!

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Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

as a secret peloton FAN I have some thoughts on the recent departures. firstly, I think nymag stating they were the most popular instructors is a massive overstatement. Kristin McGee is popular for pilates and Ross Rayburn is known for his sleep meditations. If I had to bet, pilates and meditation are some of the least popular offerings on the app. allegedly Kendall Toole wasn't a great culture fit (I wouldn't be surprised if she pops up in the right-leaning media space next)

it's such a shame that the company hasn't been managed properly in the last few years because it's a great product. I won't panic until 3 more instructors leave...

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Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Agreed with your take! I think Kristen was the most popular of the 3 (and the one I’m most sad to lose) but I don’t think they were massive traffic drivers. Peloton has a fairly sticky core subscriber group and is probably ripe for an acquisition but it’s just a matter of who would be the best owner. I can’t decide personally who that would (strategic vs PE). You saw mirror / Lululemon totally flop but perhaps an apple or Nike acquisition would work.

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yeah people who love peloton love it! I think they've just not been able to get more people into it past the pandemic w

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I never really got into Peloton so this is all great to know. I'll post an update if I see more instructors leave though. and you're right, things really did not need to get this bad. I know this is another pandemic baby gone wrong but damn

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Yours is the only newsletter I read right to the bottom (alongside Sarah Shapiro) 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 and I look forward to every drop!

Well done xx

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beyond flattered. thanks for all the support Camilla :)

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

Wow, Saie's Club Roseglow is such a cool concept but it could've been executed so much better. A big Great-Gatsby-esque party all for a new shade in an already existing product? Nah... I was expecting a new lineup of products or a sub-brand!

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my point exactly. I got hyped and then got disappointed

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Jun 25Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

I saw the lemme curb and just knew you’d talk about it … so interesting

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I just had to. im always like hmm should I speak on these weight loss stuff or not.... becasue super relevant but also there's kinda a lot happening there !

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More on your no shopping journey! A girl needs your tricks

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coming soon! but honestly I was doing to much I had to chill and then forgot I like clothes is the gist of it

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Jun 24Liked by Ochuko Akpovbovbo

here for gracie abrams

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Lemme is gonna make my head explode. I admit, I did buy into Flowy Skirt SZN.

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I need to get my own flowy skirt STAT!

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