The way you stan for Kim K’s vision is the way I stan for Caroline Calloway’s vision — the woman is absolutely nuts but she has a vision and a crazy sharp PR brain, everything she does is just a little freaky and very sticky, low key like Addison Rae

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girllll. I stan Caroline! i stan womens wrongs!!!! I love a lil weirdo lady love love her

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Argh, that double logo is just so ugly. Why, oh why?!!

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I'm so happy im not the only one who this this :/

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Based on Alex Cooper's teaser photo of her in a boardroom, I legit thought she was going to have an Apprentice-style show looking for the next great podcaster. Woulda preferred that, tbh.

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yeah from the comments I think many people were disappointed that the hype came to what it did. creative roll out though!

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10/10 roundup !!!! Particularly love learning about Putins DJ daughter (?), more insanely dumb celebrity food & drink collabs and learning that you’re audience do NOT want Proust or Dostoevsky, they want Addison Rae!!!!! I also agree re Kim K - her morals make me feel sick but she is a business bitch and she’s GOOD at it.

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I love to be educating the literary girlies

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ps can’t wait for interior deep dive too. not a want it’s a need.

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I am literally working on it as I write this ;)

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i've always found it interesting people who are frustrated with the cost of living tend to end up leaning right. when i see billionaires on yachts and companies reporting record growth while my savings decrease, i think to myself "hmmmm. maybe THEYRE the problem."

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yeah no the cognitive dissonance is tooo real

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Love this round up! Although I’m surprised by Alex Cooper’s new biz, it makes me think about how entrepreneurs are challenged to market to their different demographics. She’s touched on this with politics but with the ever growing class divide, this product seems primed for her young + wealthy demographic. Reminds me how Michael B Jordan quietly launched Moss in boutique LA and NYC grocery stores.

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I didnt know about Michael B Jordan doing that. Super interesting. I dont love what she's launched but I GET it for her demographic and their lifestyle you know?

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so spot on about addison rae!! she might have a 'girl next door' look or whatever but she is anything but normal. her contagious, magnetic sort of freakiness (as you wrote) is so good that its totally eclipsed all that shit her weird ass parents did!! an art really

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you're so right becasue reading this I was like what did her parents do? then I remembered! so yeah she and her PR team are doing GOOD!

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Gen Z thinking $600k is success will now become my whole personality 🥲

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no honestly idk who we think we are lol

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I have told everyone I know about this LOL. We all blame social media.

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“KHLOUD”?!? Who the F would buy a protein bar with that name? A line of disposable vapes sure but protein bars?!

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It's protein popcorn! which I think makes more sense. protein bars would be weird. I'd be pissed if she did that tbh

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I didn’t know I needed a chocolate brown north face until now, and I didn’t know alex coopers bullshit drink would enrage me so much, but it does!! You’re exactly on the pulse, Ochuko!!

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they already have one not with skims I think, and I think we are collectively enraged 😩. thanks for reading!

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The double logo....ughhhhh.

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they fought to the death and both lost is what I'm guessing. they know its uggo I know they know

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Great read as usual, thank you darling.

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thank you sm for reading :)

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Readers have been asking for Substack bundling since 2020 but I see little incentive to do this on the creator side (I wouldn’t want to split revenue with other writing/publishing experts… I would rather have subscribers paying for the value of my publication)

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I think this is what they are struggling with tbh- crafting the right value proposition for creators. but I think as the demand grows from the readers side its sth they'll eventually have to explore

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Thank you for your service and these round ups! You are my new theSkimm but cooler, hope that is not insulting but just need the gist and a few kiki’s along the way, and you get it done everytime.

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someone else compared me to theSkimm today and it made mad ay. so this makes my day x2. always glad to deliver the kikis!

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I feel like all I ever do when I leave a comment is fangirl (fanwoman? I am 50 after all) it up. I look forward to your newsletter so much. I’m kept informed by the content and entertained by the voice. Looking forward to more greatness in 2025!

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I don’t mind a bit Kate! Seriously thank you 😂. Enjoying my vacation but will be back soon. Can’t wait !

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I tried Prime when it showed up at my local Dollar Tree (I've also gotten Mr Beast granola bars and Pink Sauce there). It's fine. I will try Unwell when it shows up there too. I will try Khloe's popcorn because I like popcorn: I have Bethenny's Skinnygirl lime and salt microwave popcorn in my cabinet fr emergencies.

I guess I'm willing to buy celeb food items if the price is right!

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you and most of us if we're being honest. there's some intrigue there, and if the product is good, why not?!!

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